Optische Fenomenen Hologram HoloMedia Sweden
HoloMedia AB Sweden provided several Newsletters
from Optische Fenomenen with a custom made hologram
May 13, 2020 we recieved this mail with a copy of an early issue 1988: Dear Mona, Please find my writings about the sculpture of CFR and your hologram with the non-violence. As you will see we had already contact with each other in 1988. And now I have my number 395 of the newsletter Optische Fenomenen and my blog. In fact we started a correspondens already in August 1987! (For larger picture, click at the image)

Optische Fenomenen 1988 with custom made hologram Non Violence Artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd HoloMedia AB Sweden

Optische Fenomenen August 1988 with Non Violence Hologram Artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd HoloMedia AB Sweden
Flygt Hologram Amblehurst/De La Rue Agent HoloMedia AB SwedenWe have editions of Optische Fenomenen Newsletter from 1988. Above are a few of our customers embossed holograms produced by Amblehurst/De La Rue for HoloMedia AB Sweden since 1984.
Konstkalender Juli Hologram & Specialtryck
Konstkalender Juli Hologram & Specialtryck

Väggkalender NATURA 1988. Varje månadsobjekt beskrivs med bild och teknik. Denna sida ingår oramad vid köp av hela kollektionen 12 st inramade 50×65 cm kalenderblad med silver metallram.
Klicka på länken Väggkalander Foliehologram med fotografier av Zanders
NATURA från Zanders 1988 är ett riktigt samlarexemplar oavsett om det gäller enskild månad eller hela kalendern. Se alla månader Konstkalender NATURA Hologram .pdf Januari till December
Product logo HOLOGRAM copied
Product logo HOLOGRAM copied. HoloMedia have used the product word with below product logo since 1980. A Swedish journalist has registered our product domain by adding ONE letter. The son´s music band is using the domain together with our copied product logo!
HoloMedia AB, company logotype symbolizing OUSTANDING – 3Dimensional pictures for art, exhibitions etc. When holography developed to become an interesting tool for the graphic industry and the use of embossed holograms, commercial and security holograms expanded mid 1980 and became a new dimension in printing, we changed the company logo. BUT we kept the product logo.
Attract attention!
We kept the product logo as above and below, already used in many million tourist brochures, and at all our marketing materials for exhibitons, retailers, industrial companies, museums and other type of customers.
Our well known product logo HOLOGRAM was copied by a Swedish journalist together with a music band by adding ONE letter! The journalist company registered the domain name not following the rules at the registration. Our domain – www.hologram.se – is describing our business since 1978.
This is the copied product logo. They added ONE letter at the end which helps all search engines to market them at every step HoloMedia makes. And it looks as if they copied our product logo by hand.They are misusing our 40 years marketing of the Nobelprized product HOLOGRAM as a Hologram Pioneer. The group benefits every day from intruding our business activities! We are protected in the branch they act in and with our two trademarks and 5 domain names the product word HOLOGRAM is essential.
There is no doupt that they were fully aware of how much they would gain by copying our product logo + domain name, adding ONE letter!
The journalist and the leader of the group, claims to have done nothing wrong! When we had to do a lot of research to understand – who-is-who – since the domain was hidden in the journalist´s company, we recieved a written warning that our research could be a question of SLANDER!
If it´s OK to add ONE letter at a well known established product name and copy the product logo, anyone could grab e.g. IKEA, as professor Hans Bjekhagen said recently! Add ONE letter and copy IKEA logo then claim – we are not in the same branch as IKEA – as the leader of the group claims together with the journalist!
Do you believe that the rules to register a domain is so sloppy that to be able to protect your well known domain, trade marks and 40 years of business activities, you would have to register as many domain names as the alphabet letters?
Copying a 40 year old well known product logo
and an established domain name, is never OK!
HoloMedia Sweden – Domain & Product logo copied
HoloMedia Sweden changed 1984 to this company logo but had for years used a special product logo.
The PRODUCT logo below was the same for all kind of holograms since 1980. Hologram Art- Hologram Portrait- Security Hologram -Hologram Gifts- etc. And for hundreds of Hologram Exhibitions with agreements, framing instruction, hologram information, pricelists and so on.
The product logo was always used for advertising, fairs, hologram folders, custom made holograms for companies, display holograms and embossed holograms – commercial/security. Always the same product word with above logo. Our product logo have reached millions of contacts. HoloMedia´s Product Logo Copied by a Musicband
HoloMedia´s product logo was copied 2012 by a Music Band. They also registered our domain via a journalist mother’s company by adding one letter, S. The search engines ”finds” the copied domain every time hologram.se is blogging. Great benefits for the band with the strange name Jormungandr Handelsbolag!
Below is the copied (by hand?) product logo, maybe from one of all our folders/papers at exhibtions and fairs.
We protested, a clear case of copyright infringement. But not according to the music band. Claiming to have the right to use the product word. Which also the journalist claimed!
The music band has used our product logo in their marketing of concerts and CD launching. Claiming they haven´t done anything wrong!
Experts have another opinion, so we tried to make a good deal for them. Instead of co-operating they mailed: don´t contact us again.
The registered domain, holograms.se, is ”hidden” in the mothers company. She warned us for having done a research – who-is-who, said it could be considered as slander.
Checked with the Journalist Ass. who said: it´s never slander to do research. And it´s not slander to describe a true, but odd situation at a blogg. Also checked with editors and they have said the same: it´s not slander to tell the truth – the proof above talks for it self – they have copied our product logo!
The first HoloMedia company in the world founded 1984
HoloMedia Sweden Nr.1 in the world since it was founded already 1984. The name has been copied in many countries since then.
HoloMedia Sweden has arranged hundreds of hologram exhibitions as Hologram Museum/Gallery. Lasting from 1 month to many years. See referencelist of exhibitions Referenslista utställningar
Arrange a small exhibition with holograms for education at your school. Above display with different types of holograms is available from 2.500 SEK. Teach how to produce holograms with HOLO KIT. Standard 1.300 SEK with 30 hologram plates. Foto Mona Forsberg
Färghologram – se hologramplåten och godiset – ingen skillnad! Foto Litiholo