Hologram Air Jordan & Nike
Hologram Air Jordan & Nike har ca 33 modeller under produktordet Hologram.
Barrons hologram Jordan retro 3D hologram greenish not reddish as fakes have.
Så marknadsför man dom olika modellerna för att bevisa att dom är äkta – inte kopior. Med små foliehologram detaljer, fungerar produktordet hologram både som eye-catch och sigill, ett slags äkthetsintyg. Såvida det är sigillen med folier är specialgjorda, förstås. Nätets alla ”säkerhetshologram” är inte unika, då vem som helst kan beställa en rulle foliehologram med olika standardmotiv.
Dessvärre marknadsförs även standardmotiven som säkerhetshologram/sigill.
Och så har vi Nike hyperflight hologram rare. Här är det hologramfolie, regnbågshologram, ett standardmaterial.
Hologram Stamp Collection Holography Philately
Hologram Stamp Collection AUCTION 20 -22 May 2015 London

High Security Printing Industry
High Security Printing Industry
The winners of the best banknote & ID document was revealed in Budapest 23 – 25 March, Reconnaissance International Holography
250 delegates from 40 countries, 11 Central Banks, 40 Government Agencies at the Annual Event that focuses on Currency, ID Cards, E-passports, Visas, Vehicle Licencies,,,, 40 specialist providers showed the latest innovations in high security printing features and technologies. Picture Hotel Corinthia
The Regional Banknote of the Year Award was presented to the National Bank of Poland for its 20 Zloty note with embossed hologram. Picture Reconnaissance
The Regional ID Document of the Years Award went to Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior (fingerprints, laser engraving) Picture Reconnaissance
Next High Security Printing Industry at Bella Center Denmark April 22, 2015 Intergraf represents 24 National Printing Federations in 21 countries in Europe.
One of the participants at Bella Center, NFC Swedish National Forensic Centre established January 2015. SKL (Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium Linköping, transferred to NFC.
Some of our experience at SKL – here investigating security holograms before all technical tests. Foto Mona Forsberg
High Security Printing
High Security Printing – Industry Awards Highlight the Best in the Region From the industry for the industry
High Security Printing conference at Makati Shangri-La Manila
Peru and Sotchi The Winners of Regional Banknote 2014
The Russian Sochi banknote is the first ever issued to mark the Winter Olympic Games. It is the first time that the Bank has used a vertically-orientated design, chosen to emphasise the uniqueness of the Sochi region, which combines the proximity of mountains and warm sea. A total of 20 million pieces have been put into circulation including a holographic patch, polymer thread (changes image) and several other security features. High Security Printing Reconnaissance International
Fijis New Flora and Fauna banknotes (designers and printer De La Rue) winner 2013
Casa de Moneda de Chile for New Chilean Drivers Licence. Several complex details e.g. a Kinegram with a relief Laser printed feature Winner 2014
The new South African national identity card, winner 2013, is not only regarded as state-of-the-art, security technology that will raise the level of identity management in South Africa. But also as a restorer of common citizenship to a nation that was, not so long ago, racially divided by ID documents from the apartheid-era. Laser-engraved variable data, two kinds of optical security, luminescence, a second photo on the back, an embedded microchip, and two bar codes (one of which is for voting purposes). The card is also seen as a major step towards cleaning up a national population register that harbours thousands of duplicate ID numbers. High Security Printing Reconnaissance International