20 apr

High Security Printing Industry

High Security Printing Industry

The winners of the best banknote & ID document was revealed in Budapest 23 – 25 March, Reconnaissance International Holography

250 delegates from 40 countries, 11 Central Banks, 40 Government Agencies at the Annual Event that focuses on Currency, ID Cards, E-passports, Visas, Vehicle Licencies,,,, 40 specialist providers showed the latest innovations in high security printing features and technologies. Picture Hotel Corinthia


The Regional Banknote of the Year Award was presented to the National Bank of Poland for its 20 Zloty note with embossed hologram. Picture Reconnaissanceromanian-identity-card-400

The Regional ID Document of the Years Award went to Romanian Ministry of Administration and Interior (fingerprints, laser engraving) Picture Reconnaissance

Next High Security Printing Industry at Bella Center Denmark April 22, 2015 Intergraf represents 24 National Printing Federations in 21 countries in Europe.

One of the participants at Bella Center, NFC Swedish National Forensic Centre established January 2015. SKL (Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium Linköping, transferred to NFC.

Some of our experience at SKL – here investigating security holograms before all technical tests. Foto Mona Forsberg


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