

29 jul


Art Hologram – 3D & Hologram

Art Hologram – 3D & Hologram Artists are using laser light, sculpturing with the light waves.

PlanetClaire.jpg Rudie Berkhout transmission hologram

Planet Claire Rudie Berkhout Whitelight transmission Art hologram produced with laserlight Photo Holocenter

International Year of Light 2015

Works in celebration of the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies

Liquid Light Linda Law

Art Liquid Light by artist/holographer Linda Law

This alchemical experience is intended to open the viewer to the myriad of possiblities that surround us where we can each open into a deeper connection with the Nature, Linda Law.


 Tattoo Art using ink. Looks really 3D by Pelle Karlsson. A neighbour has this. But is it ART?  Photo Mona Forsberg

Vernissage C-J de Geer

Famous artist Carl – Johan de Geer, wall and car ART. The opening of his exhibition at Färgfabriken Stockholm Photo Mona Forsberg


Artist Ernst Billgren might have the answer in his book What is Art II? 100 very important questions


Konst, LASER

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10 jul

Torekov Art Center Holistiskt

Torekov Art Center Holistiskt

Torekov, platsen att ladda batterierna, där man kan bara-vara mellan golf, hav, tennis & Torekov Art Center

Torekov Guest House

Torekov Art Center http://www.torekov-art-center.com/  som ligger i en naturskön miljö med anor från 1700-talet erbjuder Målarkurser, Keramikkurser och Meditations Retreat 

Torekov Art Center logo

TorekovGusetHouse exteriörMålarkursMedititaion Meditation 2InteriörTorekov Guest House 3


Här skulle många säga HOLISTISKT  från grekiskan Holos=hel. Kroppen, själen, tankarna, känslorna. människor i samhället – alla delar samverkar till en HELHET. 


Buddha hologram på glasplåt ca 30×40 cm, metallram 40×50 cm 10.000SEK
Enligt Nobelprisets princip för holografi Holos graphos = hel skrift. Foto Mona Forsberg

Varje -liten-del-i-hologrammet-innehåller-hela-bilden. Helheten finns i varje del! Gäller väl Torekov-Art-Center, också!


14 jun

Hologram Protest was not Hologram

Hologram Protest was not Hologram

Hologram Protest was not Hologram – it was a protest with Peppers Ghost video projection. The Spanish Government have banned protest outside Government buildings!

The protesters used Peppers Ghost to try to get their point across. 1.000´s of Peppers Ghost were projected and screened outside a Government Building to demonstrate against being told not to protest! Holographer, artist Martin Richardson was interviewed by CNN and said: As usual it´s Peppers Ghost,,,but in my book a good use of it!

Protesters demonstration, click here http://anonhq.com/spains-holograms-protest-gag-law/ *) What is Peppers Ghost? Click here Peppers Ghost Wikipedia Illusion technique from the 16th century.


3D lenticular, 3D print of David Bowie, holographer Martin Richardson

Learn more about holograms at International Symposium on Display Holography June 28 – July 3 2015 (Hologram exhibition – October 2015) International Year of Light 2015 Building Bridges with Light In memorian of Yu. N. Denisyuk the Russian inventor of holography.

Symposium on Display Display Holography

Symposium on Display Display Holography.jpg 2


Click here to see what the experts will say about the future of holography http://isdh2015.ifmo.ru/

ISDH Colour hologramsISDH Colour holograms 2

ISDH Topics

History, Culture & Exhibitions – Art Concepts & Techniques – Recording Materials – Processing & Colour Holography – Technical Applications – Electronic, Digital & Computer Generated Holography – The Business of Holography


29 mar

Sergey Brin knows

Sergey Brin knows 

Sergey Brin knows after the Google seminar with Hans Bjelkhagen more about colour holography! 

Sergey Brin Google co-founder Prof.Hans Bjelkhafen

Now you too can learn, latest news of colour and display holography at
Xth International Symposium on Display Holography S:t Petersburg.

Symposium on Display Display Holography.jpg 2

Save the date 28 June – 3 July, learn about colour holograms & International Year of Light 2015

Symposium on Display Display Holography
More information will come soon!


Colour hologram Fabergé Eggseveral other colour holograms will be exposed at the seminar from Hellenic Insitute of Holography.


23 mar

Google Hologram Seminar

Google Hologram Seminar

Google Hologram Seminar – Ultra-Realistic Imaging, colour holography.


Sergey Brin Google co-founder Prof.Hans Bjelkhafen

Professor Hans Bjelkhagen with Sergey Brin, in Mountain View, California. where Google have 250 buildings with 100.000 employees. Sergey Brin, born in Russia, came to USA as a young boy and co-founded Google 1998. Today Sergey Brin directs special projects and came to see the colour holograms together with his little sun. Holographer Hans Bjelkhagen, is working there on a two-week project.

Ultra Realistic Imaging Hans Bjelkhagen David Brotherton-Ratcliffe

The book by Hans Bjelkhagen and David Brotherton-Ratcliffe. Order by Hansholo
Bejeweled Fish Hans Bjelkhagen

Bejeweled Fish by Hans Bjelkhagen So realistic hologram, difficult to decide what is the jewel and what is the hologram.


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