

01 okt

Tax Stamp Forum

 Tax Stamp Forum 

Excellence in Tax Stamps Awards

The winners and runners-up were revealed at a special ceremony during the Tax Stamp Forum, which took place on 16 September in Dubai in front of 220 delegates.


Best Design 2014:

Mauritius Revenue Authority for their implementation of tax stamps on alcohol Products

The runner-up for Best Design was AM-PG for Armenia’s tax stamps

Best New Innovation 2014: AM-PG for VeroCode for Armenia’s tax stamps OpSec Security and Xerox for their digital cigarette stamps for the State of Michigan. The runners-up were Atlantic Zeiser (BrandTracker  Track and Trace System) and Hologram Industries (Optical Smart Solutions)

Best Tax Stamp Programme Kenya Revenue Authority for their Excisable Goods Management System

The runner-up was OpSec Security and Xerox (State of Michigan) Pictures and text from Reconnaissance Tax Stamp Forum


12 sep

Tax Stamp Forum

Tax Stamp Forum 

799.jpgTax Stamp Forum Dubai

Tax Stamp Forum – Specialist presentations from 20 countries exploring every aspect of the local, regional and international fight against illicit trade in tobacco and alcohol.

 PRESS messige Sep 12, 2014 Faked luxury wine several hundred thousand bottles Italy


This year’s event takes place in Dubai and will feature specialist presentations from around 20 countries exploring.

På InterContinental intill Burj Khalifa höll konferensen till 

lenticular-400.gifBurj Khalifa night
The European Union has approved the revised Tobacco Products Directive. This includes requirements for track and trace systems and security features.
Member states must bring their national legislation into line and ensure that all tobacco products are marked with a unique identifier for tracking products from manufacturer to retailers.
Tax Stamp Forum Awards 2013
The Excellence in Tax Stamps Awards recognise excellence in the design, innovation and implementation of tax stamp programmes. Tax Stamp Award Winners 2013

22 maj

Säkerhetshologram & Säkerhetstryck

       Säkerhetshologram & Säkerhetstryck

Säkerhetshologram & Säkerhetstryck behandlas på konferenser som avlöser varandra

HolographyNewsVolume 26,No9

lenticular-400 nöt

3D kort (ej hologram) WorthKeeping för Hjernekassen Danmark

Vem knäcker nöten att säkra allt som förfalskas och plagieras?

Säkerhetshologram, sedan länge var-mans-egendom! Hologram, präglade på folie, regnbågshologram för idkort, pass, pengar, kontokort med sofistikerad tryckteknik. Enklare hologramsigill används på kommersiella produkter – kläder, datatillbehör etc men saknar säkerhetsstatus.


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aka1GrapacHALS63_125Grapac HALS



Japanskt patent, HALS,  ett slags raster som kan övertryckas med streckkod, nummerserie etc. Standardmönster för olika konsumentprodukter. Efterföljare av denna typ av rasteretikett har funnits några år på hårvårdsprodukter och förpackningar.

OBS – inte hologram Ett svenskt företag, riskkapitalbolag, har ansökt om patent för den här typen av raster. Tekniken har funnits i Japan länge, så något svenskt patent lär det väl inte bli – synd för alla investerare.


Hals, Kommersiella marknaden Foto Hals


Hals, Säkerhetsmarknaden Foto Hals


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