

22 jan

Art & Science Hermitage Museum St Petersburg

Art & Science Holographic OptoClones & Digital Holography

Art & Science Holographic OptoClones & Digital Holography. Conference with a seminar Museum Documentation, Holographic OptoClones & Digital Holography.

The aim is to via a serial of seminars explore the interaction of Science & the Art in the modern world. Dr Hans Bjelkhagen held the seminar at the Hermitage Museum in December 2016. 

Read the article here HERMITAGE event.eml 2HN_Jan_17

Read more here about the cooperation organising the serial of seminars starting November 2016 and will finish in June 2017  http://hermitage.ifmo.ru/artscienceeng 

Colour hologram Bejeweled Fish Hans Bjelkhagen

Colour hologram Bejeweled Fish Hans Bjelkhagen


29 mar

Sergey Brin knows

Sergey Brin knows 

Sergey Brin knows after the Google seminar with Hans Bjelkhagen more about colour holography! 

Sergey Brin Google co-founder Prof.Hans Bjelkhafen

Now you too can learn, latest news of colour and display holography at
Xth International Symposium on Display Holography S:t Petersburg.

Symposium on Display Display Holography.jpg 2

Save the date 28 June – 3 July, learn about colour holograms & International Year of Light 2015

Symposium on Display Display Holography
More information will come soon!


Colour hologram Fabergé Eggseveral other colour holograms will be exposed at the seminar from Hellenic Insitute of Holography.


23 mar

Google Hologram Seminar

Google Hologram Seminar

Google Hologram Seminar – Ultra-Realistic Imaging, colour holography.


Sergey Brin Google co-founder Prof.Hans Bjelkhafen

Professor Hans Bjelkhagen with Sergey Brin, in Mountain View, California. where Google have 250 buildings with 100.000 employees. Sergey Brin, born in Russia, came to USA as a young boy and co-founded Google 1998. Today Sergey Brin directs special projects and came to see the colour holograms together with his little sun. Holographer Hans Bjelkhagen, is working there on a two-week project.

Ultra Realistic Imaging Hans Bjelkhagen David Brotherton-Ratcliffe

The book by Hans Bjelkhagen and David Brotherton-Ratcliffe. Order by Hansholo
Bejeweled Fish Hans Bjelkhagen

Bejeweled Fish by Hans Bjelkhagen So realistic hologram, difficult to decide what is the jewel and what is the hologram.


25 nov

Holography Conference

Holography Conference

Holography Conference – 25 th annual  in Istanbul with 120 attendees from 27 countries


Delegates representing over 75 companies.  All aspects of diverse industry – including surface relief hologram producers, converters, display hologram producers, hologram originators, equipment and consumables suppliers.

* Security Holograms

* Development in Hologram Production

* Innovations in Hologram Application

* Future for the Hologram Industry

QR codes Mass Production of fylly Serialised Holograms

QR Codes and Massproduction of fully serialised Holograms

As a cabin-crew I really enjoyed every stop at Hilton Istanbul, where one can admire Bosphorus and the lush garden surrounding the hotel. Will miss this interesting hologram conference on the flight to Spain and lazy weeks.


01 okt

Tax Stamp Forum

 Tax Stamp Forum 

Excellence in Tax Stamps Awards

The winners and runners-up were revealed at a special ceremony during the Tax Stamp Forum, which took place on 16 September in Dubai in front of 220 delegates.


Best Design 2014:

Mauritius Revenue Authority for their implementation of tax stamps on alcohol Products

The runner-up for Best Design was AM-PG for Armenia’s tax stamps

Best New Innovation 2014: AM-PG for VeroCode for Armenia’s tax stamps OpSec Security and Xerox for their digital cigarette stamps for the State of Michigan. The runners-up were Atlantic Zeiser (BrandTracker  Track and Trace System) and Hologram Industries (Optical Smart Solutions)

Best Tax Stamp Programme Kenya Revenue Authority for their Excisable Goods Management System

The runner-up was OpSec Security and Xerox (State of Michigan) Pictures and text from Reconnaissance Tax Stamp Forum


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