

14 jun

Hologram Protest was not Hologram

Hologram Protest was not Hologram

Hologram Protest was not Hologram – it was a protest with Peppers Ghost video projection. The Spanish Government have banned protest outside Government buildings!

The protesters used Peppers Ghost to try to get their point across. 1.000´s of Peppers Ghost were projected and screened outside a Government Building to demonstrate against being told not to protest! Holographer, artist Martin Richardson was interviewed by CNN and said: As usual it´s Peppers Ghost,,,but in my book a good use of it!

Protesters demonstration, click here http://anonhq.com/spains-holograms-protest-gag-law/ *) What is Peppers Ghost? Click here Peppers Ghost Wikipedia Illusion technique from the 16th century.


3D lenticular, 3D print of David Bowie, holographer Martin Richardson

Learn more about holograms at International Symposium on Display Holography June 28 – July 3 2015 (Hologram exhibition – October 2015) International Year of Light 2015 Building Bridges with Light In memorian of Yu. N. Denisyuk the Russian inventor of holography.

Symposium on Display Display Holography

Symposium on Display Display Holography.jpg 2


Click here to see what the experts will say about the future of holography http://isdh2015.ifmo.ru/

ISDH Colour hologramsISDH Colour holograms 2

ISDH Topics

History, Culture & Exhibitions – Art Concepts & Techniques – Recording Materials – Processing & Colour Holography – Technical Applications – Electronic, Digital & Computer Generated Holography – The Business of Holography


07 jun

Filantropi Symposium med Världsledande Filantroper

Filantropi Symposium med världsledande filantroper


Filantropi symposium med världsledande filantroper samlade på Grand Hotell Stockholm. Hans Rosling diskuterade med Annika Söder, Melinda Gates och Gunhild Stordalen. Foto Mona Forsberg

Läs om symposiets 24 talare och programmet här http://filantropi.eu/2015-program/ Flera talare använde holistic för att beskriva helhet (från grekiskan holos, hel, som används för att beskriva hologram, helt budskap)

Stockholm Filantropy Symposium 2015

81-åriga Dr. Jane Goodall fick stående ovationer för sitt breda engagemang för att få en bättre värld. Många ögon tårades. Läs om Jane Goodall Instituthttp://www.janegoodall.org/i Europa http://www.janegoodall.eu/                                                                  Internetfoto Foto: Patric LindeŽn/Internetfoto http://www.internetfoto.se/

Roger Svensson founder Richard Förare

En mycket innehållsrik dag avslutades med mingel och fortsatta diskussioner. Här Roger Svensson, till höger, grundare av Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium


Huvudsponsor Nordea Private Banking, stödjer Star for Life http://www.starforlife.se/och Polstjärna http://polstjarna.se/ Övriga sponsorer kan ses här http://filantropi.eu/2015-program/SPS_logo

Svenska Dagbladet Näringsliv om SPS http://www.svd.se/gates-i-stockholm-vi-visar-vad-som-fungerar  Lyssna på den intressanta intervjun från SPS på Grand Hotell, som Jenny Strömstedt TV4 gjorde så bra!


Prinsessan Madeleine och Drottning Silvia träffade Melinda Gates den 4 juni.

Melinda Gates är just nu i Stockholm för att delta i Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium. Tillsammans med sin man Bill Gates har hon grundat Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation som arbetar med att bekämpa fattigdomen i världen. Under torsdagen mötte hon Drottning Silvia och Prinsessan Madeleine på kungliga slottet för ett samtal där de diskuterade hur man kan förbättra livet för kvinnor och flickor i världen. Text: kungahuset.se



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28 maj

Jane Goodall at Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium

Jane Goodall at Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium


Jane Goodall at Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium

MAF08 (2)

Primatologist over 50 years

Honored with the UN Messenger of Piece

Honorary Doctorate to the memory of Carl von Linné at Uppsala University, Sweden

and now closing keynote at Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium.


10 maj

Hologram Stamp Collection

Hologram Stamp Collection Holography Philately

Hologram Stamp Collection AUCTION 20 -22 May 2015 London

 Spink The Philatellic Collector´s series
On May 21, 2015, a unique Hologram Stamp Collection will be sold at a SPINK auction in London. It is a complete collection of postage stamp with holograms issued worldwide. www.spink.com
Holography and Philately
The collection is described by professor, holographer Hans Bjelkhagen. Read more about the book, Holography and Philately, Postage Stamps with Holograms (XLIBRIS 2014) Stamp Book Hans Bjelkhagen
Postage Stamps with holograms
Hologram Stamp Collection 3
The collection contains stamps, souvenir sheets and FDCs, FDCs with cachet holograms. And 2 rare Chinese Albums, errors, missing holograms on stamp, etc. See List of Hologram Stamp Collection FOR-SALE
Hologram Stamp Collection 2
This collection represents most likely the most comprehensive collection of postage stamps and souvenir sheets with holograms. As well as other items such as for example FDCs with cachet holograms. January 2015

05 maj

Salvador Dali´s Hologram

Salvador Dali´s  Hologram

Salvador Dali´s Hologram made him a Holography Pioneer

DALI-backgroundA collaboration of art and science SPIE Professional January 2014 

Read the interesting article by Selwyn Lissack about the seven Salvador Dali holograms http://spie.org/x105074.xml
Photo Lissack and the Dali Museum St.Petersburg

Dali book 2

 Dali in Holographic Space by Selwyn and Linda Lissack 2012, Photo Amazon


Photo Selwyn Lissack and the Dali Museum St.Petersburg
The historical meeting between Lissack and Dali occured 1971 in New York. From 1971 to 1976 they collaborated to produce seven holographic works of art See the holographic art pieces here http://spie.org/x105074.xml
Dali and Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd
Another historical meeting, art professor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd with Salvador Dali.
Inspired by the meeting? Here is one of the first hologram portrait in the world. Cross Reference, 1981 by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd and professor Hans Bjelkhagen, Lasergruppen Holovision AB


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