Star Wars Världspremiär
Idag är det världspremiär på filmen Star Wars The Force Awakens som visas i 3D.

Coca-Cola Life
Coca-Cola Life is a new lower-calorie cola sweetened from natural sources. It contains a third less sugar and a third fewer calories than Coca-Cola. The new bottle has a green label.
This is about a forgotten mail from professor/holographer Hans Bjelkhagen when Coca Cola went Green 2014.
This reminds me about a large-format rainbow hologram HOLICON Corp. made for Coca Cola Company about 1990. The master strip hologram was made using a pulsed ruby laser. To make the label visible in the hologram using red laser light, we asked Coca Cola to produce bottles with green labels for the recording. However, we were told that we were not allowed to show these bottles, since a green label on a Coca Cola bottle would be a no no.
See the photos when coke was poured into bottles with green labels. One from the recording setup in the HOLICON studio in Chicago. And with a modern version of the Norman Rockwell Barefoot Boy holding a bottle with a green label. Professor Hans Bjelkhagen
Hologram Kit
Hologram Kit – Produce own holograms. Go to the video Kickstarter and check out how it´s possible.
The difference between the object and the hologram is so subtle. Photo Litiholo
Kickstarter video watch this and support Litiholo.
Full-color hologram kit. The Litiholo Full-Color Hologram Kit is finally officially here. This has been a long process, but it has turned out far better as a result. We now have a great source for the green and blue lasers, adding to the reliable holographic-quality red lasers that have made our regular Hologram Kit so successful.
In addition, we designed a new color combining optical path for the full-color reflection hologram set-up that is very effective, but keeps the hologram-making process simple, even for full-color holograms. And last but not least, we’ve added a full step-by-step Owner’s Manual for making both transmission and reflection full-color holograms. Litiholo
Full-color hologram kit Photo Litiholo
The Full-Color Hologram Kit has everything you need to make your own full-color holograms for $329. That includes Red, Green, and Blue holographic-quality laser systems, high-quality color combining optics, and our full-color sensitive Litiholo ”Instant Hologram” Film (20 plates).
If you already have our standard Hologram Kit, you can upgrade to making full-color holograms with our Full-Color Hologram Upgrade Kit for $229.
Thank you for being part of the hologram community. I think you are going to really enjoy making your own full-color holograms. Paul Litiholo
(The holograms HoloMedia have are converted to a new hologram so it can be visible in white light. With the Hologram Kit you produce holograms visible in laser light). Photo Litiholo
Not only a hologram kit for production of laser transmission holograms but they are also in full colour!
This is cool – he says at the video. Check for yourself!
The same way to produce holograms since our holography courses at Hologram Gallery Stockholm 1982 – 1995 with a big difference that today you can have full colour holograms. At our courses we mostly produced reflection holograms visible in white light. Check this video for a short lesson how to produce a full colour hologram.
For more information got to Litiholo here
Pictures Litiholo
Flykt till 1700-talet med Christoffer O´Regan
Spännande flykt till 1700 talet med Christoffer O´Regan i Trosa Kvarn. Den fylldes åter till bredden när populärhistoriken förflyttade oss till en svunnen tid. Inte alls så smutsig och skrämmande som rykten gör gällande. Det var minsann latrintömning varje natt – av kvinnor. Härliga historier om livet i stan av en som läser bevarade dokument från tiden. Fantastiska historier om människorna i stan, det vill säga runt Stortorget i Gamla Stan. En flytt från landet innebar att man kom från Klara-kvarteren.
Vi fick lära känna några av dom inflyttade från landet, från Klara-kvarteren till Stortorget, Gamla Stan via dagböcker från tiden. Med humor delade populärhistoriken med sig av hur man tänkte då. Och väldigt mycket gäller även idag. Utom beskrivningen av livräddning i vattnet, som lät lite väl magstark med inblåst rök med mera. Men språket, så vackert det var, till skillnad från dagens öh, vah, tja.
Christoffer O´Regan här med konferencier Elisabeth Ahlmark Gester, Irene Englund och Mimmi Thåström. Foto Jenny Reimar, Labbe Thåström och Irene Englund
Helt klart blir det en rundvandring i Gamla Stan till våren med den förträfflige historieberättaren. Förstår varför han vann Stora Retorikpriset 2014.