

03 apr

Hologram Kommunicerar

Hologram Kommunicerar

Hologram Kommunicerar Det ansåg också den internationellt kända konstprofessorn, Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd som sade:

Det är utomordentligt viktigt och intressant att kunna para ihop en humanitär angelägenhet,
ett fredsbudskap, med en teknisk landvinning.

Non Violence Hologram

Hologram Pionjären Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd kallade sig själv för Hologram Räv. Carl Fredrik var bland dom första konstnärerna i världen att uttnyttja lasertekniken Holografi i sin kommunikation. Läs om en viktig milstolpe i holografins utveckling, klicka på länken http://hologram.se/non-violence/

Svenska Dagbladets Framtidsbild 1986 – hur väl stämmer den? HoloMedia Hologram Gallery fick vara med och ta fram hologrammet med Carl Fredrik Reuterswärds idé, revolvern som slår knut på sig själv. Det var stort att vi levererade ett regnbågs-hologram några år innan skulpturerna av Non Violence statyer spreds över världen. Svenska Dagbladet var första morgontidning i världen att använda ett hologram på omslaget till bilagan. Det var också stort att vi fick förtroendet att ta fram ett hologram i samarbete med en konstnär.


16 maj

Non Violence HOLOGRAM 1986

 Non Violence HOLOGRAM 1986

Hologram CFR

Non Violence HOLOGRAM 1986, artist world famous Art Professor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd

This hologram was produced in co-operation between the artist and HoloMedia in Sweden. Non Violence was on the cover of the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet on December 31, 1986The hologram was produced of a miniature version specially made for this hologram some years before the first Non Violence sculpture  were produced. Photo professor Hans Bjelkhagen

(This was the first time in the world that a daily paper used a hologram at the front cover, HoloMedia AB Sweden)

 SCULPTURE  Non Violence 1988 C F Reuterswärd

Non Violence skulptur Referring to Non-violence, it can be mentioned that the Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, a pioneer in art holography, made the Non-Violence 1988 gun sculpture. It is located outside the United Nations building in New York.  Text/photo professor Hans Bjelkhagen

STAMP Non Violence 1995 C F Reuterswärd

Non Violence stamp

The Non-Violence sculpture has been featured on a Swedish stamp. It was issued on August 3, 1995. This stamp was issued to mark the 50-year anniversary of the United Nations. Text/photo professor Hans Bjelkhagen



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01 maj

Non Violence Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd

Non Violence Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd HOLOGRAM 1986

Hologram CFR

This hologram, produced in co-operation between the artist and HoloMedia in Sweden, was on the cover of the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet on December 31, 1986.  A Non-Violence hologram of a miniature version Text/photo professor Hans Bjelkhagen  (The first time in the world a daily paper used a hologram at the front cover, HoloMedia AB Sweden)


Non Violence skulptur Referring to Non-violence, it can be mentioned that the Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, a pioneer in art holography, made the Non-Violence 1988 gun sculpture located outside the United Nations building in New York. Text/photo professor Hans Bjelkhagen

STAMP 1995

Non Violence stamp The Non-Violence sculpture has been featured on a Swedish stamp which was issued on August 3, 1995. This stamp was issued to mark the 50-year anniversary of the United Nations. Text/photo professor Hans Bjelkhagen

Holography and Philately

More about Postage Stamps with Holograms info@hologram.se 


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