

05 maj

Salvador Dali´s Hologram

Salvador Dali´s  Hologram

Salvador Dali´s Hologram made him a Holography Pioneer

DALI-backgroundA collaboration of art and science SPIE Professional January 2014 

Read the interesting article by Selwyn Lissack about the seven Salvador Dali holograms http://spie.org/x105074.xml
Photo Lissack and the Dali Museum St.Petersburg

Dali book 2

 Dali in Holographic Space by Selwyn and Linda Lissack 2012, Photo Amazon


Photo Selwyn Lissack and the Dali Museum St.Petersburg
The historical meeting between Lissack and Dali occured 1971 in New York. From 1971 to 1976 they collaborated to produce seven holographic works of art See the holographic art pieces here http://spie.org/x105074.xml
Dali and Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd
Another historical meeting, art professor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd with Salvador Dali.
Inspired by the meeting? Here is one of the first hologram portrait in the world. Cross Reference, 1981 by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd and professor Hans Bjelkhagen, Lasergruppen Holovision AB


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23 jan

Hologram Pioneer & Art Professor

Hologram Pioneer & Art Professor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd

One of the first artists in the world using Laser & Holography. Known for his sculpture, Non-Violence, an idea Carl Fredrik developed to mark the tragic event, the murder of John Lennon, December 1980.

Read here Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd SPIE articel Hans Bjelkhagen

Copyright http://spie.org/spieprofessional


 The January 20, 1963, New York Herald Tribune advert.

Kilroy installed in the LHAB lab

 Kilroy installed in the Lasergruppen Holovision AB laboratory, Stockholm.

Carl Fredrik inspecting

Carl Fredrik inspecting the recorded Kilroy hologram

Carl Fredrik Hans Bjelkjagen

Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd and Hans Bjelkhagen with the Gabor cake. Photo Walter Hirsch

Carl Fredrik lighting

 Carl Fredrik lighting the candles in the recording setup.

Smoke without Fire

Smoke Without Fire transmission hologram.

Fingerlanguage1 Fingerlanguage2Fingerlanguage3 Fingerlanguage4

 The four Finger Language reflection holograms.

Kilroys Heart

 Kilroy’s Heart reflection hologram.


Salvador Dalí and Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd in Paris.

Carl Fredrik Cross

Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd seen through the hologram holder. Cross Reference hologram

Cross Reference reflection hologram. Signed ed. 5/10 SOLD

Carl Fredrik sign

Carl Fredrik signing the glass holograms using a dentist’s drill.

Carl Fredrik signing

The signed glass plate.



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20 mar

Hologram at Bonhams London

Hologram at Bonhams London

Congratulation Dora, The hologram perturbing objects sold at Bonhams for 98.088 Sek.  

photo.JPGDora Tass

The hologram PERTURBING OBJECTS (störande objekt) mixed media, 70 x 54,5 x 3,2 cm. See previous blog contemporary-bonhams-bukowskis Foto H.Bjelkhagen

Hologram Trademark

logga öga  Hologram Gallery Trademark

Hologram ansågs av Museiföreningen inte vara en konstform. Hologram-är-som-fotografi-det-är-inte-konst, fick vi skriftligt på. Trots att konstnärer som Salvador Dali och Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd mycket tidigt arbetade med lasertekniken.

Vad tänker dom idag? Nu när Hologram & Fotografier är erkänd KONST!


Artist Dora Tass and  professor Hans Bjelkhagen Feb 28, 2014

Copyright Bonhams: The driving force in Dora Tass’ research and practice are objects that display visual poetry, historic memory. And, as defined by the artist, “la poetica dell’assenza” (the poetics of absence).

Read more here The driving force in Dora Tass


Bonhams etablerades 1793 och är ett av världens äldsta och största auktionshus. Privatägt och finns i London, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles och Hongkong. www.m.bonhams.com Rekommenderas att gå in på.



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