05 maj
Salvador Dali´s Hologram
Salvador Dali´s Hologram
Salvador Dali´s Hologram made him a Holography Pioneer
A collaboration of art and science SPIE Professional January 2014
Read the interesting article by Selwyn Lissack about the seven Salvador Dali holograms http://spie.org/x105074.xml
Photo Lissack and the Dali Museum St.Petersburg
Dali in Holographic Space by Selwyn and Linda Lissack 2012, Photo Amazon
Photo Selwyn Lissack and the Dali Museum St.Petersburg
The historical meeting between Lissack and Dali occured 1971 in New York. From 1971 to 1976 they collaborated to produce seven holographic works of art See the holographic art pieces here http://spie.org/x105074.xml

Another historical meeting, art professor Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd with Salvador Dali.

Inspired by the meeting? Here is one of the first hologram portrait in the world. Cross Reference, 1981 by Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd and professor Hans Bjelkhagen, Lasergruppen Holovision AB