Ultra realistic 3D imaging colour holography
Ultra realistic 3D imaging colour holography
Ultra realistic 3D imaging colour holography – True holograms Nobelprized Lasertechniqhe
Professor, holographer Hans Bjelkhagen at ISDH St Petersburg, 2015 where experts shared latest developments of the only threedimensional technique in the world, HOLOGRAPHY and HOLOGRAMS.
Professor Dennis Gabor who recieved the nobelprize for holography. Should have said these words due to all faked holograms, especially due to the agressive marketing of a very old projection technique, Peppers Ghost (Wikipedia)
Ultra realistic colour hologram Faberge HIH Hellenic Institute of Holography
Pictures HiH Hellenic Institute of Holography YouTube Hellenic Institute of Holography
Sergey Brin knows
Sergey Brin knows after the Google seminar with Hans Bjelkhagen more about colour holography!
Save the date 28 June – 3 July, learn about colour holograms & International Year of Light 2015

Colour hologram Fabergé Egg, several other colour holograms will be exposed at the seminar from Hellenic Insitute of Holography.