04 jan

Peppers Ghost Old & Modern

Peppers Ghost Old & Modern

Peppers Ghost Old & Modern – companies are selling a modernized old 2D projection technique as hologram.Today a mail came with 2 questions from a professor of holography. The same questions as the holography companies have been asking for years!

Here you can see what the modernized old Peppers Ghost technique is about!

Old and modern Pepper’s Ghost display technique

(but not holography or holograms) Old Peppers Ghost

Pepper’s Ghost stage illusion (F.Marion, L’Optique, 1869) Old technique Photo Wikipedia from Hans Bjelkhagen


Peppers Ghost Modern                         Picture from Hans Bjelkhagen

The modernized Peppers Ghost is a computer animated film projected with one or several videos.

Musion Eyeliner – Modern Peppers Ghost showing Tupac Professor Hans Bjelkhagen

The company HologramUSA is using the modern Peppers Ghost technique since some years. Professor Hans Bjelkhagen 

Question Nr. 1 – why the company is called HologramUSA? Professor Hans Bjelkhagen

Question Nr.2 why are they claiming the artists are appearing as holograms? Professor Hans Bjelkhagen



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