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Hologram Stamp Collection Holography Philately
Hologram Stamp Collection AUCTION 20 -22 May 2015 London

On May 21, 2015, a unique Hologram Stamp Collection will be sold at a SPINK auction in London. It is a complete collection of postage stamp with holograms issued worldwide. www.spink.com

The collection is described by professor, holographer Hans Bjelkhagen. Read more about the book, Holography and Philately, Postage Stamps with Holograms (XLIBRIS 2014) Stamp Book Hans Bjelkhagen

The collection contains stamps, souvenir sheets and FDCs, FDCs with cachet holograms. And 2 rare Chinese Albums, errors, missing holograms on stamp, etc. See List of Hologram Stamp Collection FOR-SALE

This collection represents most likely the most comprehensive collection of postage stamps and souvenir sheets with holograms. As well as other items such as for example FDCs with cachet holograms. January 2015