Interactive 3-D Hologram
Interactive 3-D Hologram
Interactive 3-D Hologram Display Environment, HIDE 3. Inventor Martin Richardson, professor of holography. Martin has produced many reflection holograms for HoloMedias customers in Scandinavia.
Interactive 3-D Holographic Display HIDE 3 on Vimeo (Not to be mixed with Peppers Ghost, projection technique).
Watch this, the Truth behind the Crystal Skulls. The Crystal Skull Hologram on Vimeo
Documentary about the Crystal Skulls. Martin Richardson and Steve Smith, recorded a hologram of a Crystal Skull. Broadcast October 2011 for a National Geographic film.

ZigZag Productions/National Geographic have granted De Montfort University a non-exclusive perpetual world-wide license. That allows De Montfort to use the final cut footage relating to Martin’s work. The purposes of student recruitment, teaching, research and promotion of the University generally.