

17 apr

A World in Covid19 quarantine

When the first big outbreak of Covid19 occured in Europe -Italy, my thoughts went to friends there. A horrific situation in the whole country and my favorite city, Rome

The thoughts also went to professor Daniele Fargion who arranged the first hologram exhibition in Italy, Olografia with seminar in Rome 1979. Mona Forsberg (Lasergruppen Holovision) was invited by the Swedish Arts Council to participate with several Swedish holograms.

Invitation Holofar Rome

Rome Holography seminar Holofar

Olografia di Roma Poster of Professor Dennis Gabor Nobelprize for Holography 1971

Tomorrow Artist photographer Åke Sandström Holographer Hans Bjelkhagen Olografia Rome, Italy Holofar

In the early age of holography, swimming pool was used for the hologram plates for development , fixing, bleaching in the back, here professor Daniele Fargion

In the early age of holography,,,
swimming pool for development , fixing, bleaching in the back

Tomorrow hologram What will become tomorrow after this horrific pandemic?

The whole World (almost) struggles to master Covid19, a surreal situation

In the early beginning of Hologram Museum/Gallery 1982  Drottninggatan Stockholm. Mona Forsberg and Björn Wahlberg in front of the poster from Rome, Holofar with Professor Dennis Gabor who recieved the Nobel Prize for Holography 1971

In quarantine time it´s nice to open the memory bank and relive positive memories, at least for me. If someone had said in 1982 – tomorrow will become a great success for Hologram Exhibitions with millions of visitors only in Scandinavia, Holography productions of Laser pictures, from Commercial to Art and mass production of foil-holograms as Security labels for daily used products – who had believed that?

Hoping – Tomorrow will bring out the best in us



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