26 aug

Playboy Hologram Portrait Donna

Playboy Hologram Portrait Donna

Playmate of the Year 1987 

Donna .87

Donna Edmondson had obtained her real estate license right before becoming a Playmate. Her high school yearbook named her Most Likely to Become a Bunny. Played first base on her high school softball team. Born 1966 in North Carolina where she still lives with husband and 3 children. Photo Richard Fegley, Stephen Wayd

Donna hologram shows 3 different pictures produced April 13 1987 Photo Hans Bjelkhagen

Donna Playboy 2

Great depth Photo Hans Bjelkhagen

Donna Playboy

Playboy, Hugh Hefner ordered some hologram portraits of Donna 1987, produced at Holicon Corp with a pulsed laser, ruby laser. Has become a collector piece on glass 32×43 cm, unframed 10.000SEK. Mounted with a metal frame 50×60 cm 15.000SEK  Only two pieces for sale. Photo Hans Bjelkhagen

The photo of the hologram doesn´t show correct colours. Donnas hair and hand, are sticking out of the hologram plate.

Playboy have not only used the lasertechnique holography for a hologram portrait, they have also used stereoscopic technique. Using glasses with red and blue colours the brain fooles that it´s 3D. Though it´s 2D stereo picture!

Click here to read a mini biography Donna Edmundson Hologram


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