06 maj

Hur fungerar hologram?

Hur fungerar hologram? 8, 9

8) Blekning av emulsionen av Tracy V. Wilson


Edwina Orr en av hologrampionjärerna i ett självporträtt Foto JRCollection

Holografiskt förstoringsglas If you make a hologram of a scene that includes a magnifying glass, the light from the object beam passes through the glass on its way to the emulsion. The magnifying glass spreads out the laser light, just like it would with ordinary light. This spread-out light is what forms part of the interference pattern on the emulsion. You can also use the holographic process to magnify images by positioning the object farther from the holographic plate. The light waves reflected off of the object can spread out farther before they reach the plate. You can magnify a displayed hologram by using a laser with a longer wavelength to illuminate it.

Avkoda fransarna

In a transmission hologram, the light illuminating the hologram comes from the side opposite the observer

In a transmission hologram, the light illuminating the hologram comes from the side opposite the observer

The interference fringes in a hologram cause light to scatter in all directions, creating an image in the process. The fringes diffract and reflect some of the light (inset), and some of the light passes through unchanged

The interference fringes in a hologram cause light to scatter in all directions, creating an image in the process. The fringes diffract and reflect some of the light (inset), and some of the light passes through unchanged

Se olika startpaket hologram_kit Se tidigare inlägg Hur fungerar hologram?  uppge kod HMlogos4

Några av 100-tals Hologramkunder Konst – Reklam – Dokumentation – Säkerhet – Give Aways


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