19 jun

Chicago Theater Peppers Ghost projection

Chicago Theater Peppers Ghost projection 

The Chicago Theater Peppers Ghost projection is a 2D video technique. They will NOT use holograms in the shows and concerts but the video projection technique, Peppers Ghost.

Read the hole article here from Chicagoist full of stories about ”holograms” but what they are describing is the old projection technique Peppers Ghost. In a modern version, computer animated videofilm.

Click here  http://chicagoist.com/2017/06/16/a_chicago_theater_will_start_hostin.php

Avalon Regal Theater Chicago Photo Chigagoist

And here you can read Chicago Tribune with more faked news about a projection technique whis has nothing to do with holograms, the Nobelprized Lasertechnique Holography!

Click here New Regal Theater to reopen as a hologram theater in October

No wonder that a hologram expert, Dr. Hans Bjelkhagen protests as many holography scientists and holography artists do. Read this:

Dear Tracy Swartz,

“Regal Theater on the South Side would be reborn this fall as the Avalon Regal Theater, one of the country’s first dedicated hologram theaters”.

I want to point out that what you describe HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOLOGRAMS. What is referred to is a modern version of the Pepper’s Ghost projection technique. This technique IS NOT EVEN 3D, only a 2D image is projected on a transparent screen. 

Please, don’t publish things that are not true, we have enough of “alternative facts” in media nowadays.

Check out this: OldandmodernPepper’sGhost

There are no holographic projectors. Some protests from March 2016

Click here http://hologram.se/holografiska-projektorer/


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